Monday, May 2, 2011

Simulation Exercise Timeline

Dear Campaign Strategists,

Here is the information on the 2 simulation days - 7 and 14 May

Saturday Week 9 (7th May)

9.00 a.m. Doors open (G23_
)10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Campaign launches  (5mins each - Burleigh, Coomera, Southport)
{Slogans, flyers, posters, banners, policy speeches, you can use the multi-media in the room but prepare it before 10am}

12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch

1.00 p.m. to 3 p.m.  Advertising pitch (5mins each - Coomera, Southport, Burleigh)
Explain the rationale behind your ad. People can pitch an ad campaign across media platforms (TV, Radio, Press, Internet) but they should be thematically consistent. Please use theory to back up your claims, explaining why your chosen strategy is preferable to others. Explain objectives and target audience. No need to actually make an ad (but you can if you like) but a story board or acting out is minimum. Tutors are looking at content, not glamour.

4 p.m. - 4.30 p.m. Mid-campaign Summary (2 mins each - Southport, Burleigh, Coomera)
Summarise your campaign's themes and direction. A good opportunity to build alliances, dance with the ones that brung ya, and hang a lantern on your problems.

4.30 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. Clean-up

Saturday Week 10 (14 May

9.00 a.m. Doors open and event set-up commences (G23_
1.14/1.18/1.19)10.00 a.m. -12 p.m. Community events in the Uni grounds outside G23.
The aim is to get as many people as possible to watch or participate. This is meant to be a fun community event that encourages people to listen to your lines, so  relate your event to your campaign themes and a policy that you want to launch. Make sure you invite as many people as possible!!!  Also spend this time watching each others' policy launches, and make sure you make preference deals with the other candidates. Remember rhetorical techniques are your best friends! Make it fun, make it relevant, make it memorable!

12:00 - 1.00 p.m. Lunch

1:00 p.m. - 3.00 p.m.  Candidate's debate in seminar room. (Southport, Burleigh, Coomera)

Structure of Debate:
This simulation is meant to see how well you react to difficult situations.
The candidates are seated at the front of the room. Each candidate has 1 minute to summarise their party platform. When all candidates have presented, they are then are asked one question from each of their opponents. Candidates then take questions from the floor. All candidates have the opportunity to briefly reply to each question. After 25 minutes, each candidate can have one minute to summarise their position.

This is your opportunity to pick apart the other candidates' policies, and see how well you know your own policies, and respond to difficult questions. Researchers do your stuff! Each candidate should have at least 4 questions for each opponent just in case the other groups have the same question.
Rules of Engagement:
1. Only one representative of each campaign can be on the platform.

2. Questions may cover any topic related to the campaign.

3. Accepted rules of decorum must be followed for the debates to be successful. Do not interrupt or talk over other candidates.
4. Do not ramble or eat up time in an effort to avoid incendiary issues. But remember, any answer is better than no answer!

3.30 p.m. - 4.00 p.m. Final pitches (Coomera, Southport, Burleigh)
Each candidate is invited to present one last 1 minute pitch. This is your last opportunity to tell the voters why they should vote for you. Pathos and ethos overtake logos!

4.00 p.m. Voting

Clean up while votes are counted

5.00 Declaration of the poll.

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