Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Second Debate Day - Policy Indepth Explanation

Australian Labor Party

A Bigger and Better Soutport

 Carrying on with what was discussed in this forum last week, I would like to take this opportunity to explain more policies in-depth. The ALP’s main focus for this campaign is to make a more sustainable Southport for today’s residents, but also to adapt these policies for those generations who are behind of us.
Through a better education, infrastructure, and natural resource conservation, we will be able to promote more efficiently what Southport is really about. Helping through those in needs, and maintaining a united front, the ALP hopes to represent the people of Southport in parliament.

Five Main Policies:

Water Fight
 Like the independents, the ALP is concerned with the privatisation of such prised resource. For that matter our policy will be focused on giving back what belongs to the people of this area. If elected I will not put my foot down until the GCCC increases rebates on water, it is the council’s obligation to look after its residents, not by making profit out of such resource, but to protect the people’s interests and well being.

 The ALP’s commitment to making Southport a more sustainable area is under no question, for that matter if elected I will work on initiatives and projects, which will make public transportation in the area more efficient, environmentally friendly and organized. We are proposing to modify Southport’s most crowded areas and adapting it for a more ergonomic and environmental friendly. Building a strategically situated multistorey car park where day-to-day users can leave their automobiles and avoid flooding streets with cars parked in the middle of the road. Also, our modification includes building and amplifying bikeways, and pedestrian crossings. This aims also to promote the use of alternative methods of transportation.

 Our policies need to be consistent, for that matter the ALP’s policy on education will focus primarily on decreasing truancy, absenteeism, and dropouts. The ALP strongly believes that if parents, schools, businesses and government don’t work together to avoid this issues, there is no point on creating policies that aim to improve the menu on a canteen for a healthier choice if there are no students to feed, or if simply if students are not attending school or going to other venues during school periods.

Key Points on Policy:
·         Service refusal to students during school periods on venues outside school grounds without a school official authorization.
·         Parental notification if the student is absent from school (family issues, illnesses, etc.) a medical certificate is a must.
·         Campaign on truancy to the general public in order to help detect students outside school grounds during school periods.

 Launching a campaign based on Southport’s location, in order to attract tourism. Showing both domestic and international tourists what Southport has to offer. Promoting hotel, amusement parks, and tours around the area, offering great deals for families and groups. The revenue will enable us to help those in need, the flooding devastated areas in the state, for that reason if elected, immediate action will be taken to put that campaign into play in order to boost the economy not only of the Southport area, but of those affected by the floods.

Elderly Social Isolation
 The ALP has, and will continue to work for the people who represent, regardless their age, sex, race, and religion. We don’t want to build shelters or isolate them in retirement homes our policy for those ahead of our generation is to work with the city council to create activities, to include them in the social dynamics. Labor has proposed are weekly free Arts and Crafts sessions, free exercise sessions including Yoga and Tai Chi, field trips, shopping excursions and game nights. This will not only benefit those in that age at the moment, but our generation as well.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Chiang
ALP Candidate of 2011 Southport Election

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