Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Social Isolation of Elderly

Australian Labor Party

A Bigger and Better Soutport


Southport ALP Candidate Reveals Proposal to Fight Social Isolation Of The Elderly
ALP Candidate for Southport Chris Chiang has announced a policy aimed at tackling the issue of social isolation of the elderly in Southport.
Mr Chiang said Labor were concerned with researching suggesting older members of the Southport community are being ostracised by societal factors which focus heavily on other age demographics.
“There are many individual, social, community and environmental factors which can influence a person’s connection with their community. Although many older people are socially connected, there are some factors that impact on older people more than on other age groups,” Mr Chiang said.
Mr Chiang said these factors included poor physical health, poor mental health, a lack ot transport options, lack of social confidence, safety fears and increasing incidents of violent crime all contribute to social isolation issues of the elderly.
Mr Chiang proposed a number of initiatives to improve elderly participation rates in the Southport community.
“If Labor win office, we will move quickly to identify and implement strategies to assist the elderly in Southport. Most importantly, Labor hope to work with the Gold Coast Council to rapidly increase the amount of community-organised functions and events aimed at engaging the elderly,” he said.
Among the ideas Labor has proposed are weekly free Arts and Crafts sessions, free exercise sessions including Yoga and Tai Chi, field trips, shopping excursions and game nights.
Mr Chiang revealed registered participants would receive free public transport to and from the events.
“Senior citizens are an invaluable cross-section of the Southport community and Labor intends to do everything possible to encourage the elderly to take advantage of Southport’s relaxed, community-focused lifestyle,” Mr Chiang said.

Further inquiries, please contact:
Jorge Carrera
Public Relations Officer, ALP Southport

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