Friday, April 1, 2011

Bigger and Better Southport

1 May 2011
Vote for Chiang, are you in?

The candidate of 2011 Southport Election, Chris Chiang is going to meet the people of Southport, and present his policies and advertising this Saturday.

Australian Labor Party’s next movement before the upcoming election this week, Mr. Chiang is going to present five main policies in front of the people of Southport.

“It’s my pleasure to have this opportunity to present this formal speech and meet other candidates, the Medias and the people of Southport. I feel excited and the people remind me that it is time to stand for them,” Mr. Chiang said.

Mr. Chiang and his team are ready and prepared to face to the first fight of the election campaign launch.

WHEN: 14 May 2011
WHERE: Griffith University, Building G23, Room 1.19.
VISION OPPORTUNITY: Speech presentation and video advertisement

Contact: Media Relation Officer Wei Chiang, on 0401 395 688.
TIME: 10:00 AM

Media Release

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