Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Social Isolation of Elderly

Australian Labor Party

A Bigger and Better Soutport


Southport ALP Candidate Reveals Proposal to Fight Social Isolation Of The Elderly
ALP Candidate for Southport Chris Chiang has announced a policy aimed at tackling the issue of social isolation of the elderly in Southport.
Mr Chiang said Labor were concerned with researching suggesting older members of the Southport community are being ostracised by societal factors which focus heavily on other age demographics.
“There are many individual, social, community and environmental factors which can influence a person’s connection with their community. Although many older people are socially connected, there are some factors that impact on older people more than on other age groups,” Mr Chiang said.
Mr Chiang said these factors included poor physical health, poor mental health, a lack ot transport options, lack of social confidence, safety fears and increasing incidents of violent crime all contribute to social isolation issues of the elderly.
Mr Chiang proposed a number of initiatives to improve elderly participation rates in the Southport community.
“If Labor win office, we will move quickly to identify and implement strategies to assist the elderly in Southport. Most importantly, Labor hope to work with the Gold Coast Council to rapidly increase the amount of community-organised functions and events aimed at engaging the elderly,” he said.
Among the ideas Labor has proposed are weekly free Arts and Crafts sessions, free exercise sessions including Yoga and Tai Chi, field trips, shopping excursions and game nights.
Mr Chiang revealed registered participants would receive free public transport to and from the events.
“Senior citizens are an invaluable cross-section of the Southport community and Labor intends to do everything possible to encourage the elderly to take advantage of Southport’s relaxed, community-focused lifestyle,” Mr Chiang said.

Further inquiries, please contact:
Jorge Carrera
Public Relations Officer, ALP Southport



Australian Labor Party

Bigger and Better Soutport
Media Release

Southport ALP Candidate Reveals Proposal to Decrease Absenteeism and Truancy in state schools
ALP candidate Chris Chiang has announced his policy aiming to tackle absenteeism and truancy in Southport schools.
Mr Chiang stressed out ALP’s concern about students being outside schools grounds during school hours, as well as the importance of maintaining students absent free and in school during their developing years.
“It is important to adapt laws according to what the current situation in the school system is. It is important to lower the rate of school drop outs, but not only that keep them in school grounds during school periods” Mr Chiang said.
Although the federal government has implemented policies to avoid a decrement on student enrolment, and the state government refereeing issues with education, it is important to give the council attributes to enforce and punish those who are not complying with what the rules are.
“Councillors across the gold coast have established agreements with businesses in order to reduce the rate of students being outside schools grounds, if a student on full uniform comes to request service from a venue, the deal is to ban them from the establishment and report them to the council or police station” Mr Chiang said.
If elected to represent Southport Mr Chiang will immediately present an initiative, in conjunction with the Gold Coast City Council, to penalise both parents and students, and in some cases businesses, if the student is not where he is supposed to be during school periods.
“It is important to acknowledge this issue, because both the federal and state governments are investing millions of dollars to improve the education system across the state, and I strongly believe that parents, students and the community in general should cooperate in order to achieve this effort” Mr Chiang said.
Further inquiries, please contact:
Wei Chiang
Media Relations Officer, ALP Southport

Monday, April 11, 2011


Australian Labor Party

A Bigger and Better Soutport

To the people of Southport,

The Southport branch of the Australian Labor Party would like to formally invite you to the community event day in support of Chris Chiang, candidate for the seat of Southport in the forthcoming state election.

To be held on Saturday, May 14 at 10am, Chris would appreciate your presence at the event where he aims to get up close and personal with the people of Southport. Mr Chiang is looking forward to meeting with the Southport community and hearing their views, while similarly proposing and outlining his plan for the future of our great city.

You are invited to speak openly with the ALP team, grab something free to eat and drink courtesy of our caterers, and pose any and every question you can muster for your Southport ALP candidate. We encourage all attendees to pick apart our policies and find out exactly how they affect you personally in future months and years.

We look forward to seeing you bright and early on Saturday,

For futher contact:

Timothy Schaefer


ALP Southport Media Liason

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Mr.Chiang Take Water Fight to Council

Australian Labor Party

Bigger and Better Soutport


Southport ALP candidate Chris Chiang has announced his intention to fight Gold Coast Council to increase the water rebate following a recent increase in Allconnex’s water prices.
“Labor understands how important issues like water price increases are to the average household, and we will make it a number one priority to pressure the council to help out its ratepayers,” Mr Chiang said.
Following its partnership with Allconnex to distribute and oversee water prices throughout Southport and surrounding areas, Gold Coast Council was set to profit almost 100 million dollars in 2011, a figure set to rise to 250 million over five years.
Mr Chiang said he will fight for Southport residents, arguing it is time for the council to pass on the profits to struggling households.
“Southport residents are encountering water prices at heights never seen before, and in the current economic climate, it is completely unacceptable for the Gold Coast Council to sit on lucrative profits while families struggle to pay bills,” Mr Chiang said.
Gold Coast Council has resisted calls to increase the water rebate, arguing the current rebate is sufficient.
Mr Chiang said it was time the Gold Coast Council took the Bligh Government’s lead and decreased water prices.
“The council needs to stop dragging its feet on this issue, one that is critically important to all residents in the struggle to cover weekly bills,” Mr Chiang said.
 “A vote for Labor is a vote for cheaper water prices.”
Further inquiries, please contact:
Wei Chiang
Media Relations Officer, ALP Southport

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Improving Transportation in Southport

Australian Labor Party

A Bigger and Better Soutport


Southport ALP Candidate Reveals Proposal to making all means of transportation more efficient for the community.
ALP Candidate for Southport Chris Chiang has announced a policy aimed at tackling the issue of transporting Southport in a more efficient manner.
Mr Chiang said his policy covers all areas in which transportation has become an issue, weather it is public or private.
“Population growth in the area has increased substantially over the past years, for that we need to adjust policies which will enable the community to move on an efficient and organised way” Mr Chiang said.
An increasingly number of cars has flooded the streets of Southport, especially in where businesses and public areas are established.
“We need to modify Southport’s infrastructure in order to facilitate traffic flow, or at least reduce the amount of cars in areas such as Scarborough Street. For that I’m proposing to build a strategically located multi-storey parking space that will reduce the amount of cars parked in the middle of the street, Nerang St. specifically, and reduce drastically traffic congestions” Mr Chiang said.  
Also the candidate tackled the issue of alternative means of transportation for the community, and the lack of effort that has been put by policy makers in promoting and building a more sustainable Southport for those who enjoy using them.
“More effort needs to be put in parliament to create policies that can change the means by which the community moves from place to place. It is important to build or modify the existing areas in which people who don’t use a car on a daily basis or simply don’t have a car can make use of their own means, whether it is a bike or a scooter” Mr Chiang said.
If elected to represent Southport Mr Chiang will immediately attack the issue of transportation in Southport to make it more efficient and sustainable for its community.
“Now is the time to start thinking about the future, vote ALP continue to change Southport” Mr Chiang said.
Further inquiries, please contact:
Wei Chiang
Media Relations Officer, ALP Southport

Friday, April 8, 2011

Southport ALP Announce Plans to Boost Tourism Industry

Australian Labor Party

A Bigger and Better Soutport

ALP Candidate Chris Chiang has announced a string of tourism proposals aimed at buoying Southport’s economy and Queensland’s international profile following January’s natural disasters.
Mr Chiang revealed plans for a new advertising campaign aimed at presenting Southport as a unique holiday destination.
“Our golden beaches are back-dropped by a relaxed metropolis offering everything a tourist could desire,” he said.
Mr Chiang told a packed press conference of his desire to reinvigorate Southport’s economy in the wake of January’s destructive string of natural disasters.
“It’s our way of helping out,” Mr Chiang said.
“While Southport was not directly affected by the destructive weather, the Queensland tourism industry has suffered considerably following the tragic events, so it important to help Queensland rise to its feet again,” he said.
Other initiatives announced by Mr Chiang include an increased time allowance on parking meters, a hotel rebate for travelling families, and in conjunction with the Gold Coast City Council, a half-price group offer to the Gold Coast’s four major theme parks.
Mr Chiang said positioning the gorgeous Southport and the Gold Coast as the perfect sun-drenched, laid-back holiday destination, and by encouraging tourists to experience the Southport’s hidden treasures, Labor could ensure a strong Queensland tourism industry in future years.
“If people come to Southport, they spend money, they visit the sights, they stay in hotels on the beach, they party in our bustling night scene and they enjoy our many quality restaurants, “Mr Chiang said.
The best thing local government can do to help is ensure a strong economy, something which not only benefits Southport, but also Queensland as it physically and economically recovers from the natural disasters,” Mr Chiang said.

Further inquiries, please contact:
Wei Chiang
Media Relations Officer, ALP Southport

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Chris Chaing announces desire to represent Southport

Australian Labor Party member Chris Chiang is proud to announce his decision to run for the Southport seat in the 2011 Queensland State Election.

As a long-time Southport local and with a keen sense of the issues affecting Southport residents, Chris Chiang is looking forward to meeting and conversing with the people of Southport in the lead-up to the election in May. Together, Chris Chiang and people of Southport have an opportunity to take charge of the future of this great city. It's time for Chiang!


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

ALP Candidate Briefing Note

Australian Labor Party

A Bigger and Better Soutport

Candidate’s Background
  • Chris Chiang has lived long enough to understand Southport’s needs and desires.
  • Attended Southport high school.
  • Bachelor Degree of Business and Economics.
  • Master’s degree in Finance from GU.
  • Import-Export
  • Goods and services stores around the area. (eg. PF Chiang’s, Chiang’s Logistics).
Political Career:
  • Joined the ALP in 2000
  • Participated in state and federal elections, Bligh and Gillard.
  • First time running for office.
Five Main Policies
·         Elderly Social Isolation: Aims to assist the Gold Coast City Council by developing a strategic plan that will enable senior citizens to participate actively in the community by organising events and giving them the opportunity to actively contribute to the community.
·         Water Fight: Aims to oblige the Gold Coast City Council to increase water rebate for households across Southport.  As a result of recent water price increase, as well as the increase profit that the council has had, it is politicians duty to look after households who struggle to pay the bill.
·         Transportation: Aims to reduce the increase traffic flow, by specifically modifying the suburb’s infrastructure in order to create a more organised traffic. It also aims to increase awareness in the usage of alternative means of transport (push bikes, scooters, Lightspeed rail, buses).
·         Tourism: Aims to promote the area my launching a massive tourism campaign advertising the area’s tourism advantages (beaches, nightlife, food). To achieve the success of the campaign several measures will be undertaken to benefit the tourists (family deals on accommodation and entertainment). All of this in order to boost the economy and help the areas affected by the floods early this year and boost their recovery.
·         Education: Aims to enforce attendance, enrolment and dropouts in the state system. Establishing a partnership with businesses and the city council, students will have less chances of not being where they’re supposed to be, and encourage parents to keep track of whether their children are attending school or not.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Letter of Request for Campaign Support

Australian Labor Party

A Bigger and Better Southport


-          Letter of Request for Campaign Support

To the valued members of our Southport business community,

My name is Chris Chiang and I am the local Southport candidate for the Labor Party in the forthcoming state election. Having been a long-term member of the Southport business community, I recognise the influence and importance of the support that local business can provide local government.

As my ALP team approaches this crucial election, I couldn’t think of a better partnership for Labor than the support of your company. Together, I think we can build a partnership that benefits your business, the ALP’s campaign and most importantly, the people of Southport.

In 2011, it’s time for a fresh start. Southport needs strong, assertive leadership and I, Chris Chiang, am the only candidate up for the job.  I bring with me a keen knowledge of the Southport area and being a long term resident of Southport and a member of its business community, I deeply understand the issues that matter to the community.



My policies are geared towards the most crucial aspects of the Southport community, namely tourism, education and utilities. Considering the positive and assertive aspects of my policies, I feel this would be a fantastic opportunity for your business to reap the rewards of presenting a community-focused image to the people of Southport.

Your business could assist the ALP campaign in several ways, including financial assistance, public endorsement, advertising partnerships, newspaper declarations and participation in my public appearances on the campaign trail. Any assistance would be appreciated, and all assistance would be acknowledged with clear display of business logos, slogans and marketing material at all of my public appearances. 

If you wish to assist the Chris Chiang for Southport campaign, please contact the campaign organisers using the details contained on my enclosed business card. I thank you graciously for your continuing support, and with your help, I cannot wait to begin the process of improving Southport for the better.

Yours sincerely,


Friday, April 1, 2011

Bigger and Better Southport

1 May 2011
Vote for Chiang, are you in?

The candidate of 2011 Southport Election, Chris Chiang is going to meet the people of Southport, and present his policies and advertising this Saturday.

Australian Labor Party’s next movement before the upcoming election this week, Mr. Chiang is going to present five main policies in front of the people of Southport.

“It’s my pleasure to have this opportunity to present this formal speech and meet other candidates, the Medias and the people of Southport. I feel excited and the people remind me that it is time to stand for them,” Mr. Chiang said.

Mr. Chiang and his team are ready and prepared to face to the first fight of the election campaign launch.

WHEN: 14 May 2011
WHERE: Griffith University, Building G23, Room 1.19.
VISION OPPORTUNITY: Speech presentation and video advertisement

Contact: Media Relation Officer Wei Chiang, on 0401 395 688.
TIME: 10:00 AM

Media Release


Australian Labour Party


To the valued members of our Southport community,

In recent years, the city of Southport has grown immeasurably. With an exploding population, a struggling tourism trade and the issues resulting from the global financial crisis, the Southport governing bodies have faltered in their duty of care for the people of Southport.                                     

In 2011, it’s time for a fresh start. Southport needs strong, assertive leadership and I, Chris Chiang, am the only candidate up for the job.  I bring with me a keen knowledge of the Southport area and being a long term resident of Southport and a member of its business community, I deeply understand the issues that matter to the community.

I am proud to announce policies which delve into the community of Southport and identify crucial issues that need focus. Some of my policies are fresh focuses and some of the policies touch on well-worn issues, but they represent the issues I feel are most important to the development of Southport in the future.



In addition to these five policy focuses, the ALP will make it a priority to engage with the Southport community on the issues that matter to them. I am keen to engage with the community through the use of social networking, and information on the ALP and my policies can are detailed on my FaceBook page.  I can also be contacted through my FaceBook page and will personally respond to all of your policy ideas and community concerns.

Sometimes, the voice of the people gets lost in the thundering machinery of big government, but Chris Chiang is determined to change this. Your voice will be heard, and I, Chris Chiang, am the candidate to make your voice heard loud and clear.


I thankyou graciously for your continuing support, and cannot wait to begin the process of changing your Southport for the better.

Yours sincerely,