Thursday, September 2, 2010

Week 6 Lecture

Media- New Media Social Media

New Media:
Virtual community/ Individual Identity

Internet Studies:
Web 2.0 / Social Media

l   Technology
“…is the scientific study of mechanical arts and their application to the world”.
Often includes physical objects and the knowledge of the techniques used to enable their fiction.
l   Media
When technology is used for social communication.

Media is plural for medium.
A little different to the use of the term “The Media”.
(see the work of: Marshall McLuhan; Ray and Williams)

Common Themes from Early Internet Studies

Virtual Community
(a way to explain a group of people who communicate via the internet)
Individual Identity
(a way to explain how people express who they are via the internet)

l  Virtual Community
“…when people carry on public discussions long enough, with sufficient human feeling, to form webs of personal relationships…” (H.Rheingold, 1993, The Virtual Community)

l   Individual Identity
“The Internet has become a significant social laboratory for experimenting with the constructions and reconstructions of self that characterize postmodern ;ofe. Inits virtual reality, we self-fashion and self-create”
(Turkle, 1995, Life On the Screen)

Identity Play

Shared Interests
l   On the early internet people who were isolated in different geographic areas often turned to the internet to “meet” other people with similar interests…
l   See Rheingold 1993, Turkle 1995, Dibbell, 1998 – many other early internet books explore that…

Ego-Centric Social Network
l   Focus has moved away from groups of people with common interests to networks where you (the individual) is the common thread
Web 2.0
l   Following the crash of 2000 – Tim O’Reilly and his friends wanted to motivate the tech community into feeling good about itself again…
…so they proposed thinking about the internet in new ways…
l   They came up with the notion that there was a new era in the web’s history
l   What was wrong with Web 1.0??
l   Is mostly a technical definition describing key technologies to do with the creation of web services with emphasis on the user experience…
But the concept of “groups of people who use the internet” has been “co-opted by the “social media” crowd..

Web 2.0 – features
l   Folksonomy – organizing knowledge – in other words using “tags” on posts or items. This describes users defining the caregories rather than some authority imposing the structure.
l   The idea of user- generated content – people create {{photos, images, videos, text} and put it on the internet. Media scholar Henry Jenkins refers to this as “Participatory Cultutre” (2006).
l   Open API – means sharing data openly between services on the internet.
(O’Reilly, 2003, what is Web 2.0?)

… Community and collaboration is the common element here.

Read-Write Web
l   The Features described create a version of the internet where average people can contribute
l   As opposed to the previous “read only” web which many “old media” (recording industry, news media, book publishers) would like the internet to be…

Social Media
l   Weblogs/blogs – and all their variations like vlogs, moblogs, microblogs (twitter,, jaiku, etc)
l   Social network services (SNSs) – friendster, orkut, myspace, facebook, linkedin, livejournal (also a blog site), forums might be here but they are a bit web 1.0, etc
l   Content sharing communities- flickr,, youtube,, jamendo,,, dig, etc etc

Social Media Experts?
Have become ubiquitous on the web in the last 3 years or so,,
Mostly they are marketing people who want to teach you how to use web2.0 tools to promote your business/brand..

l   The “Attention Economy” – who wants your eyeball?
What do they want you to see or do once they have your attenetion?
l   The “Economy of Accumulation” – who has collected information about you?
What can they do with that information?
Do you think they sell it to the highest bidder? O Rly?

Who owns it?

l   If there’s Social about Anti-Social Media?
Isolatr beta- “People always used to approach me to try and talk about this or that. I wanted to punch them in the throat. Now they leave me the hell alone. Thanks isolatr!’ –Doc Searls

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