Thursday, September 23, 2010

Week 9

Assessment 2 (pt 2 of the blog) has been extended - and is now due by Friday of Week 10!

For Week 9's entry you should write about your chosen essay topic, (found under 'assessments' on learning@griffith), your initial thoughts about this topic, and where you think you may begin researching it.

Also you need to ensure that by the end of week 10 you have posted a final entry on your weblog that evaluates the course overall'. (This is included in the assessment description on the course profile)

For the final essay topic, I chose to discuss about 'Internet Privacy' below:

Why is privacy such a contentious issue for internet users? Discuss with reference to at least ONE social network service (or other web2.0 service).

I will discuss this topic with Facebook social network, because internet user privacy is challenging with a big contentious issue since Facebook invented. Facebook is a large platform which allows people sharing information and contents with anyone who owns a Facebook account. Privacy right becomes a big issue since World Wide Web internet was invented in 20th century, people can easily share or copy the information and contents from somebody around the world. Therefore, copyright is set to be a legal law to protect everyone’s moral property and have a restriction of plagiarism on the internet.

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