Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Australian Labour Party announces Southport representative for the upcoming state election.

Australian Labor Party

A Bigger and Better Soutport

Media Release
Date released: 28th March 2011.
For immediate release

Southport’s heart was the venue to announce Labour’s candidate contending for the seat in state parliament.
Last Friday, ALP’s state elite stood next to Chris Chiang as the party’s spokesperson ratified his unanimous appointment by party’s leaders.
Mr. Chiang has lived in Southport for the past decade. He is a well-known entrepreneur whose commitment to service turned him into politics.
Through his businesses he has managed to get involved with the community, and experience first hand what the people of Southport strive for.
“I turned to politics, because there is a lot more that I can do for the community in parliament or any other government job. Things can be changed for Southport’s benefit from a legal stand point, than just being a businessman”, Mr. Chiang said.
“Being here, day-in, day-out, has helped me understanding what the people of Southport lack of, what their needs are in terms of infrastructure, health, education. Their everyday problems aren’t going to be fixed overnight, but at least I know that I’ve listened and gotten involved with them.  That gives me an edge over the rest of the candidates”, Mr. Chiang said.

Further inquires, please contact:
Jorge Carrera
Public Relations Officer ALP Southport

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