Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Week 3 Treasure Hunt

1. What is the weight of the world’s biggest machine? How much did it cost to build?
Bagger 288, is weight in 45,000 tons. It cost $100 million to build up.

Reference from: The world's biggest machine, WonderHowTo.

2. What is the best way (quickest, most reliable) to contact Ozzy Osborne?

Ozzy Osbourne's Manager: Sharon Osbourne .
Sharon Osbourne Management
9292 Civic Center Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Phone: 310-859-7761 ; 310-859-7761

Ozzy Osbourne's Agents: Ari Emanuel or Ari Greenburg
Endeavor Agency
9601 Wilshire Boulevard
3rd Floor
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Phone: 310-248-2000 ; 310-248-2000

Ozzy Osbourne's Agents: Ari Emanuel or Ari Greenburg
Endeavor Agency
9601 Wilshire Boulevard
3rd Floor
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Phone: 310-248-2000 ; 310-248-2000

Ozzy Osbourne's legal representation: Manatt Phelps & Phillips
11355 West Olympic Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Phone: 310-312-4000 ; 310-312-4000
Reference from:

3. When and what was the first example of global digital communication?

The first example of global digital communication is Morse Code by Samuel Morse in 1835.

Reference from:

4. What is the cheapest form of travel from the Gold Coast to Melbourne?

By flight, it costs from $58.95 to $178.95 in oneway when you travel with Tiger Airways.
Reference from:

5. Who is Hatsune Miku? What company does she belong to? What is her birthday?

Hatsu Miku is a computer music software that enables users to create synthesized singing of unprecedented quality and remarkable realism by just typing in lyrics and melody. She is the first and most popular installment in the Vocaloid Character Vocal Series, a singing synthesizer application produced by Yamaha.
She belongs to CRYPTON FUTURE MEDIA INC company.
The first Character Vocal Series, Hatune Miku was released on Augst 31, 2007.

Reference from:!/pages/Hatsune-Miku/10150149727825637?v=info

6. Find a live webcam in Antarctica. Find a place to stay in Antarctica.

At Casey the webcam is mounted on the side of the general store building, known as the 'Green Store'
Reference from:

McMurdo Station is Antarctica's largest community. Established in 1956, it has grown from an outpost of a few buildings to a complex logistics staging facility of more than 100 structures. Winter population is about 250 persons; summer population reaches 1000. McMurdo includes a "downtown" area, science and support facilities, and an outlying airport (Williams Field), plus a blue ice runway and a summer runway on the sea ice. Before December, the sea-ice runway is used for wheeled landing and take-off of fixed-wing aircraft. After December, runway facilities are transferred to ski-equipped operations at Williams Field. At the end of the season, redeployment flights take off and land at the blue ice ("Pegasus") runway. From Williams Field and the ice runways, flights not only span the continent, but maintain McMurdo's contact with New Zealand and the United States.

Reference from:

Or stay on comfortable and safe expedition cruises aboard vessels .
Reference from:

7. What song was top of the Australian pop charts this week in 1980?

“Moscow” by Genghis Khan which stayed at the top of the charts.

Reference from:

8. How would you define the term 'nano technology'? In your own words, what does it really mean?

For my understanding in the term of ‘Nano technology’, it is a research and technology development at the atomic, molecular or macromolecular levels, in the length scale of approximately 1 - 100 nanometer range, to provide a fundamental understanding of phenomena and materials at the nanoscale and to create and use structures, devices and systems that have novel properties and functions because of their small and/or intermediate size.
It is a combination of small elements, used to design, fabricate, and manufacture to become a new material of device or system. Comparing to the traditional way to minimize the material from a big device, nano technology maximize the elements to a big device which is involved in knowledge and skills.

Reference from:

9. What type of camera is used to make ‘Google Street View’?

The type of camera that was used to make ‘Google Street View’ was an Immersive Media camera. This company specialises in 360-degree video. They mounted an 11-camera contraption on the vehicle, as they drive, to capture the 360-degree view that we see on ‘Google Maps’.

Reference from:

10. Translate these questions into Klingon.

1. nuq ‘oH [the] [weight] vo’ [the] [world’s] [biggest] [machine] chay’ ‘ar ta’ta’ ‘oH [cost] Daq chen
2. nuq ‘oH [the] [best] [way] [quickest] HochHom [reliable] Daq [contact] [Ozzy] [Osborne]
3. ghorgh ‘ej nuq ghaHta’ [the] wa’DIch [example] vo’ [global] [digital] [communication]
4. nuq ‘oH [the] [cheapest] [form] vo’ [travel] vo’ [the] SuD baS [Coast] Daq [Melbourne]
5. ’Iv ‘oH [Hatsune] [Miku] nuq [company] ta’taH ghaH [belong] Daq nuq ‘oH Daj qoS
6. tu’ [a] yIn [webcam] Daq [Antarctica] tu’ [a] Daq Daq [stay] Daq [Antarctica]
7. nuq bom ghaHta’ [top] vo’ [the] [Australian] [pop] [charts] vam [week] Daq
8. chay’ [would] SoH [define] [the] [term] [‘nano] [technology’] Daq lIj ghaj mu’mey nuq ta’taH ‘oH [really] [mean]
9. nuq [type] vo’ [camera] ‘oH [used] Daq chenmoH [‘Google] [Street] [View’]
10. [Translate] Dochvammey [questions] Daq tlhIngan

Reference from:

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