Thursday, August 26, 2010

Week 5

Hi Class,
In line with the lecture content that Josh covered this week, we want you engage with the term "Culture Jamming".
Look it up, see if you can find what is considered to be the first Culture Jam, find the most influential Jam, the most damaging.
These 3 examples should be posted in your blog with an explanation of where and why they were found and used.
You can show what impact they had or are having too.

Our goal and yours is to enter into the world of Culture Jamming.

You are to devise a plan to get noticed by 'normal' media.

As we saw in the lecture, allows the public to report on anything.

There are some similar sites that are more local and may prove to be more interested in local events.

The Tute task for Week 5 consists of the planning and research you undertake to be ready to produce your news story/public report/local update (whatever it may end up being). This should include who is doing what in your group and how you are going to make/produce the content of your Culture Jam.

You can use video, still shots, audio, standard text and documents you may want to create as props.

Internet resources should be used to give depth and credit to your Jam.

In groups of no more than 4 and all must post their own blog entries.

To complete this entire task it will take two weeks but the first half will be assessed during weeks 6/7.
Talk to your tutor about your plans.

Our cultral jam campaign:
Free Parking @ Griffith Uni:

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Week 4 tute task - not tutespark - this is the tute exercise.

Video or 'film' has not always worked online.
Answer the following in your blog:-

1.Where and when did usable online video start? (provide some refs. and an example if possible)

2.In the lecture we heard about technological innovations that were used by the studios to lure audiences. (mostly to combat the popularity of TV)
What recent innovations are being used to lure us in the movies?
What are they luring us from?

3.Are short films still being made? Why? Who pays for them to be made?

4.The term viral is thrown about adhoc but what does it mean in film/movie arena? Give some examples.

5. Online video distribution isn't limited to the short film format. We are now starting to see television styled shows made solely for internet release (webisodes). Find an example of this style of content and discuss how viewing television content in this way can positively and negatively affect the viewer's experience.

1895 –Cinema in France
1906 – Full length feature film “The story of the Kelly Gang” – Charles Tait, Australia.
1927 – End of silent era, birth of the talkies.
1933 – Drive in movie theatre in New Jersey.
1939 – First TV sets available to American Public.
1952 – Hollywood counter attacked TV with 3D films.
1955 – Movie studios sold their libraries to TV
1959 – William Castle put motors under chairs to vibrate at scary parts, and Charles Weiss filtered aromas through the air-conditioning system.
1963 – a $30,000 tape recorder available to consumers.
1963 – The first multiplex in Kansas, The Parkway Twin.
1967 – Sony introduced own VTR, black and white “Portapak”.
1969 – Sony introduced VCR.
1967 – IMAX in Osaka, Japan.
1972 – Cable TV by HBO ( Home Box Office)
1978 – The video laser disc.
1981 – MTV launched in July.
1982 – Film with a video arcade game, Walt Disney's Tron.
1983 – Dragon's Lair arcade game.
1985 – The first Blockbuster Video store in Texas.
1985 – Blood Cults is first film designed especially for video.
1986 – Pixar's Luxo, Jr. was first fully computer animated short.
1988 - “Who Framed Roger Rabbit”, blending of imagery and live action human characters.
1991 – First naturally moving computer generated character in Terminator 2: Judgement Day.
1995 – Toy Story, the first feature length animated film.
1997 – DVDs (digital versatile disc)
1998 – HDTV
1998 – Netflix offered video downloading to subscribers
1998 – The last Broadcast was first film to be sent via satellite to cinema theatres.
1999 – The most profitable film, Blair Witch Project, with $30,000 budget and $249 million
gross profit.
1999 – TiVo
2001 – Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, first photo-realistic computer generated film.
2001 – 8 short films for BMW were produced for the internet.
2002 – MovieLink established by the major Hollywood studios.
2004 – Able Edwards produced without any physical sets but entirely with a green backdrop.
2005 – Films released on Blu-Ray Disc, the first being Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle.
2005 – Hollywood ceased releasing films on VHS.
2006 – YouTube.
2007 – Jackass 2.5 initially released on broadband for viewers.

Week 4 - Big Screen to Small Screen - TUTESPARK

Hi Class of 2010,

We want you to find some short films (3 please) that were made for internet distibution/viewing.

You should comment on what you think makes them good or what made them good at the time.
Why they became, or will become, popular.

CN BLUE - I'm a loner

They are a famous, well trained and talented Korean band which called everyone has a beautiful face, and the band members with an average age 20.
Their first performance was start in Japan, they went there for learning experience of performing on the street in Japan and studying during the period. In 2008, they went back to Korean and finally their first album was released. The song 'I'm a loner' is the best of the top music in Korea in 2010.

CN BLUE starts a journal of performing in live concerts around Asia in 2010, they're getting more and more famous after the concerts in Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong. In October 2010, they will be holding their first performance in Taiwan.

Movie 'Inception'

The movie was released on 22 July 2010. Leonardo DiCaprio is acting a skilled thief the absolute best in the dangerous art of extraction: stealing valuable secrets from deep within the subconscious during the dream state when the mind is at its most vulnerable.

Bridgestone tyre advertising

TuteSpark week 3

The Tutespark for week 3 is to find at least 3 (three) examples of digital devices that are not electronic.


Digital describes electronic technology that generates, stores, and processes data in terms of two states: positive and non-positive. Positive is expressed or represented by the number 1 and non-positive by the number 0. Thus, data transmitted or stored with digital technology is expressed as a string of 0's and 1's. Each of these state digits is referred to as a bit (and a string of bits that a computer can address individually as a group is a byte).

Reference from:,,sid183_gci211948,00.html


As humans, we perceive the world in analog. Everything we see and hear is a continuous transmission of information to our senses. This continuous stream is what defines analog data. Digital information, on the other hand, estimates analog data using only ones and zeros.

For example, a turntable (or record player) is an analog device, while a CD player is digital. This is because a turntable reads bumps and grooves from a record as a continuous signal, while a CD player only reads a series of ones and zeros.

Reference from:


Communication is the process of exchanging information usually via a common system of symbols. "Communication" is the academic discipline which studies communication.

Reference from:


Three examples of digital devices that are not electronic:




Week 3 Treasure Hunt

1. What is the weight of the world’s biggest machine? How much did it cost to build?
Bagger 288, is weight in 45,000 tons. It cost $100 million to build up.

Reference from: The world's biggest machine, WonderHowTo.

2. What is the best way (quickest, most reliable) to contact Ozzy Osborne?

Ozzy Osbourne's Manager: Sharon Osbourne .
Sharon Osbourne Management
9292 Civic Center Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Phone: 310-859-7761 ; 310-859-7761

Ozzy Osbourne's Agents: Ari Emanuel or Ari Greenburg
Endeavor Agency
9601 Wilshire Boulevard
3rd Floor
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Phone: 310-248-2000 ; 310-248-2000

Ozzy Osbourne's Agents: Ari Emanuel or Ari Greenburg
Endeavor Agency
9601 Wilshire Boulevard
3rd Floor
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Phone: 310-248-2000 ; 310-248-2000

Ozzy Osbourne's legal representation: Manatt Phelps & Phillips
11355 West Olympic Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Phone: 310-312-4000 ; 310-312-4000
Reference from:

3. When and what was the first example of global digital communication?

The first example of global digital communication is Morse Code by Samuel Morse in 1835.

Reference from:

4. What is the cheapest form of travel from the Gold Coast to Melbourne?

By flight, it costs from $58.95 to $178.95 in oneway when you travel with Tiger Airways.
Reference from:

5. Who is Hatsune Miku? What company does she belong to? What is her birthday?

Hatsu Miku is a computer music software that enables users to create synthesized singing of unprecedented quality and remarkable realism by just typing in lyrics and melody. She is the first and most popular installment in the Vocaloid Character Vocal Series, a singing synthesizer application produced by Yamaha.
She belongs to CRYPTON FUTURE MEDIA INC company.
The first Character Vocal Series, Hatune Miku was released on Augst 31, 2007.

Reference from:!/pages/Hatsune-Miku/10150149727825637?v=info

6. Find a live webcam in Antarctica. Find a place to stay in Antarctica.

At Casey the webcam is mounted on the side of the general store building, known as the 'Green Store'
Reference from:

McMurdo Station is Antarctica's largest community. Established in 1956, it has grown from an outpost of a few buildings to a complex logistics staging facility of more than 100 structures. Winter population is about 250 persons; summer population reaches 1000. McMurdo includes a "downtown" area, science and support facilities, and an outlying airport (Williams Field), plus a blue ice runway and a summer runway on the sea ice. Before December, the sea-ice runway is used for wheeled landing and take-off of fixed-wing aircraft. After December, runway facilities are transferred to ski-equipped operations at Williams Field. At the end of the season, redeployment flights take off and land at the blue ice ("Pegasus") runway. From Williams Field and the ice runways, flights not only span the continent, but maintain McMurdo's contact with New Zealand and the United States.

Reference from:

Or stay on comfortable and safe expedition cruises aboard vessels .
Reference from:

7. What song was top of the Australian pop charts this week in 1980?

“Moscow” by Genghis Khan which stayed at the top of the charts.

Reference from:

8. How would you define the term 'nano technology'? In your own words, what does it really mean?

For my understanding in the term of ‘Nano technology’, it is a research and technology development at the atomic, molecular or macromolecular levels, in the length scale of approximately 1 - 100 nanometer range, to provide a fundamental understanding of phenomena and materials at the nanoscale and to create and use structures, devices and systems that have novel properties and functions because of their small and/or intermediate size.
It is a combination of small elements, used to design, fabricate, and manufacture to become a new material of device or system. Comparing to the traditional way to minimize the material from a big device, nano technology maximize the elements to a big device which is involved in knowledge and skills.

Reference from:

9. What type of camera is used to make ‘Google Street View’?

The type of camera that was used to make ‘Google Street View’ was an Immersive Media camera. This company specialises in 360-degree video. They mounted an 11-camera contraption on the vehicle, as they drive, to capture the 360-degree view that we see on ‘Google Maps’.

Reference from:

10. Translate these questions into Klingon.

1. nuq ‘oH [the] [weight] vo’ [the] [world’s] [biggest] [machine] chay’ ‘ar ta’ta’ ‘oH [cost] Daq chen
2. nuq ‘oH [the] [best] [way] [quickest] HochHom [reliable] Daq [contact] [Ozzy] [Osborne]
3. ghorgh ‘ej nuq ghaHta’ [the] wa’DIch [example] vo’ [global] [digital] [communication]
4. nuq ‘oH [the] [cheapest] [form] vo’ [travel] vo’ [the] SuD baS [Coast] Daq [Melbourne]
5. ’Iv ‘oH [Hatsune] [Miku] nuq [company] ta’taH ghaH [belong] Daq nuq ‘oH Daj qoS
6. tu’ [a] yIn [webcam] Daq [Antarctica] tu’ [a] Daq Daq [stay] Daq [Antarctica]
7. nuq bom ghaHta’ [top] vo’ [the] [Australian] [pop] [charts] vam [week] Daq
8. chay’ [would] SoH [define] [the] [term] [‘nano] [technology’] Daq lIj ghaj mu’mey nuq ta’taH ‘oH [really] [mean]
9. nuq [type] vo’ [camera] ‘oH [used] Daq chenmoH [‘Google] [Street] [View’]
10. [Translate] Dochvammey [questions] Daq tlhIngan

Reference from:

Tute Week2 - Embed movie on the blog

Have done 30 shots of photo in a group with Hannah Walker and Lucinda Judd in the class, and the video was uploaded to Youtube on week4. We couldn't find our video on Youtube. I contacted with Hannah who uploaded the video to Youtube website, but she did not reply and attended this class anymore.

Tute Week 1

New Communication Technologies - 2010

Please email your student number, your name, your new blog address and your tute time to:-

Please use your new gmail account that you used to create the blog. This will be the primary way we contact you during the semester.

More to come...

PS. Your first post should be a little introduction and then some answers/thoughts on the the 'Tutespark' .....

From the Learning@Griffith course site:-

How do we distinguish between old and new communication technologies? Under what circumstances will new communication technologies become old communication technologies?